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Custom Types

You can create custom context providers for objects like User, Account, Member, Guild, or Party, eliminating the need to first retrieve data from the Player object and then use a service or manager.

Boring theory

To do this, implement the ContextProvider<SENDER, T> interface and register it.

  • SENDER is a platform-specific sender type. (see What is SENDER?)
  • T is the context type you want to provide.

Practical example with Account

Imagine you have an Account class with player data like balance, level, and experience. With a context provider you can access the Account directly in command methods.

In this example:

SENDER is platform-specific sender type CommandSender
T is the context type Account

public class AccountContextProvider implements ContextProvider<CommandSender, Account> {

    private final AccountManager accountManager;

    public AccountContext(AccountManager accountManager) {
        this.accountManager = accountManager;

    public ContextResult<Account> provide(Invocation<CommandSender> invocation) {
        if (!(invocation.sender() instanceof Player player)) {
            return ContextResult.error("&cOnly players can use this command!");
        return ContextResult.ok(() -> {
            Account account = this.accountManager.getAccount(player.getName());
            if (account == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("&cAccount " + player.getName() + " not found");

            return account;

Now we can create a BalanceCommand that access the sender's Account:

@Command(name = "balance")
public class BalanceCommand {
    void balance(
            @Context CommandSender sender,
            @Context Account account
    ) {
        double balance = account.getBalance();
        sender.sendMessage("Your current balance is: " + balance);

And finally, we can register the custom context provider in the LiteCommands builder:

    new AccountCommand()
.context(Account.class, new AccountContextProvider(accountManager))
Run the command /balance
Your current balance is: 100.0

This example shows how custom context providers in LiteCommands simplify command logic and improve code readability by providing direct access to relevant objects.

Check out real examples!

This code is a simplified version of the code from the EternalEconomy Plugin.
See the full code of the EternalEconomy Plugin on GitHub.

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