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Permission Messages

To customize a message about missing permissions, you can choose from two ways:

  • Use the message system
  • Implement a missing permissions handler

Message System

To change the default message, register a custom message in the builder:

    new SomeCommand()
.message(LiteMessages.MISSING_PERMISSIONS, permissions -> "Required permissions: (" + permissions.asJoinedText() + ")")

The permissions parameter is a MissingPermissions object that contains the missing permissions.

Missing Permissions Handler

To implement a missing permissions handler, create a class that implements the MissingPermissionsHandler interface:

public class PermissionsHandler implements MissingPermissionsHandler<SENDER> {

    public void handle(
            Invocation<SENDER> invocation,
            MissingPermissions missingPermissions,
            ResultHandlerChain<SENDER> chain
    ) {
        String permissions = missingPermissions.asJoinedText();
        SENDER sender = invocation.sender();

        sender.sendMessage("Required permissions: (" + permissions + ")");

Then, register the handler in the builder:

    new SomeCommand()
.missingPermission(new PermissionsHandler())

And that's it! Now, when a player without the required permissions tries to execute a command, the handler will send a custom message.

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