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The @Cooldown annotation in LiteCommands allows developers to set cooldown periods for commands, preventing users from executing the same command repeatedly within a specified timeframe. This feature is essential for managing command spam.

How to Use It

To implement a cooldown for a command, apply the @Cooldown annotation to your command method. You can also set cooldowns for subcommands by annotating the respective methods. The @Cooldown annotation accepts the following parameters:

  • key A unique identifier for the cooldown.
  • count The duration of the cooldown.
  • unit The time unit for the cooldown duration (e.g., ChronoUnit.SECONDS, ChronoUnit.MINUTES).
  • bypass An optional permission string that allows certain users to bypass the cooldown.

Here's an example of how to set up a command with a cooldown:

@Command(name = "example")
@Cooldown(key = "example-cooldown", count = 60L, unit = ChronoUnit.SECONDS, bypass = "bypass.permission")
public class ExampleCommand {

    @Execute(name = "subexample")
    @Cooldown(key = "subexample-cooldown", count = 30L, unit = ChronoUnit.SECONDS, bypass = "bypass.permission")
    void subcommand() {
        // Subcommand logic here

    void mainCommand() {
        // Main command logic here

In this example, the mainCommand method has a 60-second cooldown, while the subcommand method has a 30-second cooldown. Users with the bypass.permission permission can execute these commands without waiting for the cooldown period to expire.

Customizing the Default Cooldown Message

LiteCommands provides the flexibility to customize the message displayed to users when they attempt to execute a command that is still on cooldown. To change the default cooldown message, configure the LiteMessages.COMMAND_COOLDOWN message in your LiteCommands builder setup.

Here's how you can customize the cooldown message:

liteCommands = LiteBukkitFactory.builder(this)
    .commands(new ExampleCommand())
    .message(LiteMessages.COMMAND_COOLDOWN, (invocation, cooldownState) -> {
        Duration remainingDuration = cooldownState.getRemainingDuration();
        String formattedTime = DurationParser.DATE_TIME_UNITS.format(remainingDuration);
        return "Please wait " + formattedTime + " before using this command again.";

In this configuration, when a user attempts to execute a command that is still on cooldown, they will receive a message indicating how much time remains before they can use the command again. The DurationParser.DATE_TIME_UNITS.format(remainingDuration) method formats the remaining duration into a human-readable string.

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