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@Command & @Execute

To define basic structure of a command and subcommands, use the @Command and @Execute annotations.


You can declare a simple command. For example, /hello:

@Command(name = "hello")
public class HelloCommand {
    void execute() {
        // /hello


It is also easy to create a command with subcommands. For example, /time set <time>, where time is an integer, and subcommands /time set day and /time set night:

@Command(name = "time set")
public class TimeSetCommand {
    void execute(@Arg int time) {
        // /time set <time>

    @Execute(name = "day")
    void day() {
        // /time set day

    @Execute(name = "night")
    void night() {
        // /time set night


To read more about the @Arg annotation, visit the Arguments section.

Also you can create a command with subcommands in a different way. For example, /time add <time>, /time set <time>, and /time set day:

@Command(name = "time")
public class TimeCommand {
    @Execute(name = "add")
    void addTime(@Arg int time) {
        // /time add

    @Execute(name = "set")
    void setTime(@Arg int time) {
        // /time set

    @Execute(name = "set day")
    void setDay() {
        // /time set day

Once you have defined your commands, you can register them in the LiteCommands builder:

// LiteCommands builder
    new HelloCommand(),
    new TimeSetCommand()

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