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Custom Types

You can create a custom argument to replace use plain argument and make your code cleaner.

For example, replace String argument to Account argument.

❌ Executor Before

This code is okay, but we want to make it better.

void execute(@Context SENDER sender, @Arg String accountName) {
    Account account = this.accountManager.getUser(accountName);

    if (account == null) {
        sender.sendMessage("OH NO, this account is null");

    //... code

✅ Executor After

Let's create a custom argument Account to replace String argument!

void execute(@Context SENDER sender, @Arg Account account) {
    //... code

First, you need to create a custom argument resolver that extends ArgumentResolver:

public class AccountArgument extends ArgumentResolver<CommandSender, Account> {

    protected ParseResult<Account> parse(
            Invocation<CommandSender> invocation,
            Argument<Account> argument,
            String string
    ) {
        Account account = this.accountManager.getAccount(string);

        if (account == null) {
            return ParseResult.failure("Account not found :(");

        return ParseResult.success(account);

    public SuggestionResult suggest(
            Invocation<CommandSender> invocation,
            Argument<Account> argument,
            SuggestionContext context
    ) {
        return Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().stream()
            .map(player -> player.getName())

Then, register the custom argument resolver in the LiteCommands builder:

.argument(Account.class, new AccountArgument(...))

That's it! Now you can use the @Arg Account argument in your commands!

More Practical Example

This code is a simplified version of the code from the EternalEconomy Plugin.
See the full code of the EternalEconomy Plugin on GitHub.

Other examples of custom arguments can be found on GitHub.

Argument types built-in LiteCommands

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