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If you want to define an argument that can accept list of values, you can use the @Varargs annotation.

Supported collection types:

Collection TypeSupported Types
arrayT[], T...
listList<T>, ArrayList<T>, LinkedList<T>
setSet<T>, HashSet<T>, LinkedHashSet<T>, NavigableSet<T>, TreeSet<T>
queueQueue<T>, Deque<T>, ArrayDeque<T>, PriorityQueue<T>
vectorVector<T>, Stack<T>


For example, you can create a command that gets a list of players and checks their health:

@Command(name = "check-health")
public class CheckHealthCommand {
    void checkHealth(@Context CommandSender sender, @Varargs Player... players) {
        for (Player player : players) {
            double health = player.getHealth();
            sender.sendMessage(player.getName() + " has " + health + " health");

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