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The @Priority annotation lets you control the order of executor matching when multiple executors accept the same input.

For example

To prioritize an executor with int over one with String, use @Priority(PriorityValue.HIGH):

@Command(name = "hello")
public class HelloCommand {
    void execute(@Arg String text) {
        print("Matches String executor!! " + text);

    void execute(@Arg int number) {
        print("Matches int executor! " + number);

All values of the PriorityValue

Now there’s no risk that the input /hello 10 will trigger the executor with the String argument.

/hello <text/number>
/hello 10
Matches int executor! 10
/hello <text/number>
/hello hi
Matches String executor! hi

WARNING - The order in the file does not matter!

Java discards method order during compilation.

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