The @ExecuteDefault
annotation in LiteCommands allows you to catch any command execution, if no other method is matching the given arguments.
Example Implementation
Here's an example of how to use the @ExecuteDefault
annotation with a command that sets the game mode:
@Command(name = "gamemode")
public class GamemodeCommand {
public void executeDefault(@Context Player player) {
player.sendMessage(ChatUtil.color("&cPlease use one of the following gamemodes:"));
player.sendMessage(ChatUtil.color("&c- /gamemode creative"));
player.sendMessage(ChatUtil.color("&c- /gamemode survival"));
@Execute(name = "creative")
public void setCreative(@Context Player player) {
player.sendMessage(ChatUtil.color("&aGame mode set to Creative."));
@Execute(name = "survival")
public void setSurvival(@Context Player player) {
player.sendMessage(ChatUtil.color("&aGame mode set to Survival."));